If you’re looking for cheap car insurance quotes in your state, then look no further. FirstQuote Auto specializes in helping people just like you shop for and compare auto quotes online from the comfort of their own home. With our revolutionary quoting tool, you’ll be able to find the best deals, and stop overpaying for coverage in no time.
By working with some of the best carriers in the nation, FirstQuote Auto is able to provide side by side price comparisons from brand names you are already familiar with. You can even talk to an experienced agent for free with no obligation. Get started, and get covered as early as today.
When it comes to comparing car insurance quotes, there are a few things to consider. First, make sure the policies and type of coverage match up. Next, it’s always a good idea to have a basic understanding of the lingo to get a good idea of what you’ll be paying for, and any potential hidden costs.
It’s also important to look past the pricing, and research the auto insurance company you are choosing. Take the time to read what other policyholders are saying, and whether or not they have a good track record of handling claims.
Did you know that there are 5 main types of car insurance? Liability insurance, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, personal injury protection, and uninsured motorist protection, and they are all used for different purposes. So, before you start shopping around for auto insurance quotes online, you need to establish what it is you need.
While it’s not a popular option, plenty of Americans choose to enroll in what’s known as standard auto insurance. In its simplest terms, standard coverage refers to the minimum amount of coverage your state requires while still allowing you to legally drive. Also known as basic coverage, standard car insurance usually only includes liability insurance.
While standard coverage may be the most affordable option out there, you do run the risk of paying more down the line. If you can swing it, you’ll have more peace of mind with a higher tier of coverage, for example, comprehensive coverage.
In the world of auto insurance, additional coverage refers to any policy you purchase that adds an extra level of coverage to a standard policy. The best example of this is comprehensive coverage, which will ensure you are covered in almost any event, including instances of vandalism or if you hit an animal.
Don’t be fooled by the higher premiums. While it’s true you will pay more up front for additional auto coverage, you will end up saving thousands in bills down the line. Explore your options with FirstQuote Auto, or talk to one of our experienced agents to find out which coverage is the best fit for you.